2024 Schedule




What to Expect

This year there are so many ways to enjoy the weekend. A variety of workshops, drop-in creative stations and community building activities will keep you busy while you make new friends and learn new skills. Please use our keys (STEM, Empowered, Crafty, Collaborative) to map out your adventures. Don't forget to leave time to try all the drop-ins too! 

STEM Maggie bot

STEM Maggie-Bot

This Maggie-Bot will engage in activities related to technology, engineering, and problem-solving. These workshops aim to provide hands-on experiences, foster curiosity, and promote learning in STEM subjects.

Some of these include: Introduction to Data Wrangling with Python | Dive into Cybersecurity: A TryHackMe Adventure | Collaboration & Problem Solving in Tech Teams | Data Visualization | Git & GitHub 101

Empowered Maggie bot

Empowered Maggie-Bot

This Maggie-Bot will learn strategies to boost self-confidence and overcome imposter syndrome in male-dominated fields. Discover how to leverage your unique strengths and talents to thrive in any environment.

Some of these include: Women Leaders in Program Management | Stop Doubting | Start Creating
Empowering Women in STEM | LinkedIn Workshop

Crafty Maggie bot


Crafty Maggie-Bot

This Maggie-Bot wants to take a break from the digital world! By engaging in enriching crafting workshops designed to stimulate your senses, unleash creativity, and foster community connections.

Some of these include: Silk-Screen Cards | Herbs and Fruit: The Art of Tisane Blending | Unlimited Coasters Hack | Candle-Making

Collaborative Maggie bot

Collaborative Maggie-Bot

This Maggie-Bot wants to collaborate, forge meaningful connections, and participate in the community of innovators and creators. Explore diverse topics and engage in hands-on activities that will spark creativity, ignite dialogue, and leave a lasting impact.

Some of these include: Mural planning | Stop Doubting, Start Creating | Herbs and Fruit: The Art of Tisane Blending

Schedule Summary

10:00 AMWORKSHOPS | Round 1  
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Mural planning

Presented By:
Niko Sanchez

Drop in and join us in working on a mural for the Women’s Hackathon outside on the porch outside of CATalyst. The central theme of the mural is the Hackathon itself. On Saturday 10:00-11:00 come to the design meeting if you want to contribute ideas to the mural itself. Otherwise stop by any time during the Hackathon to contribute to the established design!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: N/A

CATalyst Patio
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Designing for us

Presented By:
Aleshia Howell

We always strive for our products, services, environments, and programs to be inclusive. But where do we start? In this session, we will explore the Inclusive Engineering Framework and how simple considerations at the drawing board can lead to more empathetic design throughout the entire project lifecycle. 

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A, but consider bringing a project idea to apply the framework to!

Attendance Cap: N/A

ILC 125
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Women Leaders in Program Management

Presented By:
Sneha Mudumba

A talk focused on mastering the art of effective leadership as women in the corporate world, alongside understanding how program management enhances daily operations. Throughout the session, we will impart practical insights, share compelling anecdotes, and delve into the transformative impact of these skills on your professional journey.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: N/A

ILC 117
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Stop Doubting, Start Creating

Presented By:
Carly Croman

How might you suspend self-judgment and start trusting your creative instincts? Let’s learn from each other and crowdsource creative strategies that work.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: 40

ILC 119
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

3D Printing

Presented By:

This small group workshop covers the basics of 3D printing on our Ultimaker machines. Consider bringing your file from our 3D scanning station!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A laptop with Cura installed

Attendance Cap: 10

CATalyst Studios
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Introduction to Data Wrangling with Python

Presented By:
Bailie Wynbelt

Gain practical experience in Python as you delve into the fundamentals of data wrangling and visualization. This workshop provides hands-on guidance, teaching you how to efficiently read, explore, summarize, and visually represent data.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A personal laptop

Attendance Cap: 25

CATalyst Data Studio
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Silk-Screen Cards

Presented By:
Dylan Molina

Get hands-on with Card Silk Screening! Learn to create custom cards using Cricut vinyl designs for unique, personalized creations.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: All materials provided. Consider coming with a simple, solid color design in mind to personalize your card!

Attendance Cap: TBA

CATalyst Studios
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Herbs and Fruit: The Art of Tisane Blending

Presented By:
Rachel Castro

Learn the basics of mixing and steeping an herbal tea or tisane blend. Participants will create a loose-leaf blend to take home.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: All supplies will be provided, but attendees may want to invest in a tea steeper and light-proof storage container for use afterwards!

Attendance Cap: 20

11:00 AM - 12:00 PMDive into Cybersecurity: A TryHackMe Adventure
Join us for a one-hour workshop exploring top cybersecurity learning platforms, including TryHackMe. Together we'll tackle a Capture-The-Flag (CTF) activity on TryHackMe. Beginners are absolutely welcome! Together we'll learn how to navigate these platforms for hands-on learning and connect with like-minded cybersecurity enthusiasts. At the end a hand out will be provided with a list of resources for further learning.
Skill Level: Beginner
Materials Required: A laptop and a free TryHackMe account are encouraged but not required (https://tryhackme.com/)
Attendance Cap: 20
ILC 129
12:00 PMLUNCH - TumericoGrab some Tumerico and consider exploring our drop-in activities hosted around CATalyst! Find a list of all available activities here. 
1:00 PMWORKSHOPS | Round 2  
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Your FLOSS-Powered Future

Presented By:
Chris Martin & Lena Voytek

Learn about non-proprietary operating systems and software that respect your autonomy and privacy, and can serve as the foundation of your digital life. Bring your questions!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: N/A

ILC 133
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Intro to AI

Presented By:
Mithün Paul

Have you heard of LLMs and Chat GPT? Would you like to know how these work? Would you like to create your own pocket GPT yourself? In this workshop you will learn everything about deep learning. We will start with how deep learning works fundamentally and by the end of the workshop, you will be building your own Chat bot.
Skill Level: Beginner
Materials Required: Python programming ability. 
  1. Sign up for cyverse.org
  2. Sign up for huggingface.co
  3. Sign up/request access to LLAMA model

Attendance Cap: 100

ILC 141
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Collaboration & Problem Solving in Tech Teams

Presented By:
Nicolette Gomez

Emphasizing collaboration and problem-solving, our workshop harnesses FigJam to drive engagement. Master FigJam's collaborative functionalities through interactive, hands-on tasks that will elevate your team's effectiveness and inventive capacity. Transform how your team approaches projects and interacts, with us as your guide!

Skill Level: Beginner-Intermediate

Materials Needed: Laptop or tablet that connects to internet 

  1. Please fill out this form to tailor workshop

Attendance Cap: 30

ILC 119
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Unlimited Coasters Hack

Presented By:
Sol Davis

Basic Knitting Workshop for Beginners: learn how to get started in knitting with a basic long tail cast on and off; knit, purl, and slip stitches; and reading a knitting pattern. The workshop will provide a pattern for a coaster that attendees are free to follow.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: All materials are provided

Attendance Cap: 10

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Presented By:
Molly Auer & Jill Eliel

Come join us for candle making! We'll be pouring small cacti garden candles and painting/dipping stick candles. No experience required and all materials are included! Please feel free to stop by!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: 10

CATalyst Patio
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Git & GitHub 101

Presented By:
Deniz Karakay

Join our Git & Git 101 event for an interactive workshop on mastering Git basics. Learn to push your project to GitHub!
Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: Laptop with reliable internet connection. You are encouraged to come with Git already installed on your device.
Attendance Cap: N/A
ILC 125
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Intro to Adobe XD

Presented By:
Jerald Zivic

Adobe XD is the all-in-one UX/UI solution for designing websites, mobile apps and any screen-based digital interfaces. XD is easy to use and empowers designers of all skill levels to create interactive prototypes with speed, precision and quality to seamlessly iterate and share with team members and reviewers across devices and platforms.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A personal laptop

  1. Sign up for an adobe account (UArizona users) at adobe.arizona.edu

Attendance Cap: 15

CATalyst Data Studio
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Towards Secure Cloud Environments

Presented By:
Dalal Alharthi

Join a workshop led by a former Cloud Security Engineer, now a professor and researcher in the field. Learn about securing public clouds with hands-on experiences in AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: Laptops and some means of note-taking are encouraged

Attendance Cap: N/A

ILC 129
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

UArizona Girls Who Code

Presented By:
Stephanie Murphy

Join the UArizona Girls Who Code Club as we host an open class session. Participants will get to learn more about the club and how to get involved and current club members will highlight youth-led projects.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: Laptops are encouraged, but not necessary!

Attendance Cap: 50

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon

Presented By:
Rachel Castro

Join us to diversify the representation of editors and articles in Wikipedia! Beginners welcome- we’ll guide you through the process of making an account and making edits.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A personal laptop or tablet

Attendance Cap: N/A

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Laser Cutting a Name Badge

Presented By:
Grace Zhang

Experience the art of laser cutting by creating your personalized name tag at our workshop.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: 10

CATalyst Studios
2:00 PM - 3:00 PMExplore Drop-In Sessions!If you have down time after your afternoon workshops, consider exploring our drop-in activities hosted around CATalyst! Find a list of all available activities here.Main Library - 2nd Floor
3:00 PMCommunity Session  
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Keynote Inspiration, Community Mentoring & Networking

Presented By:
Cindy Goldberg & You!

This dynamic session will connect you to peers and mentors across our community, with inspirational activities designed to inspire and catalyze new ideas, partnerships and innovations.

Kicking off the session is Keynote speaker Cindy Goldberg, VP of Silicon Alliances at Canonical

How does a background in biology and chemistry lead to leadership roles in semiconductor research, AI and open source software?  Cindy will share highlights and lowlights from a winding career path, and my favorite blueprint to surmount the biggest challenges. 

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: N/A

ILC 141

Made it to the end of Saturday? Make sure you pick up your Hackathon tumbler at the Information Table before you head out! Consider personalizing it on Sunday during our tumbler design workshop!

9:00 AMWORKSHOPS | Round 1  
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Trailblazing transitions

Presented By:
Kassy Rodeheaver

Embark on a tech adventure and learn about Salesforce in our workshop! Explore Trailhead, Salesforce's free learning platform, and master Flow business automation. Join us to unleash your software administrator potential from a librarian turned techy!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: An email address to be used to get set up with Trailhead

Attendance Cap: 20

ILC 119
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Resume Workshop

Presented By:
Brianna Fulp

Ready to develop or update your resume? Attend this session to learn about best practices for your resume to stand out in your next job or internship search.
Skill Level: Beginner
Materials Required: A digital or paper copy of your current resume is encouraged!
Attendance Cap: TBD
ILC 125
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM3D Printing

This small group workshop covers the basics of 3D printing on our Ultimaker machines. Consider bringing your file from our 3D scanning station!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A laptop with Cura installed

Attendance Cap: 10

CATalyst Studios
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Data Visualization

Presented By:
Adriana Picoral

Data Visualization is helpful in all stages of data analysis, from the first step (understanding the data) to data modeling and inferential analysis. We will be working with the Plotly Python module to create interactive quarto dashboards that allow for interactive data visualizations.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A laptop or device with access to the internet (we will be using posit.cloud or RStudio desktop)

Attendance Cap: N/A

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Making Prosperity Real: Designing an Interactive Process for Community Voice and Input

Presented By:
Bonnie Bazata

The Pima County Prosperity Initiative is a regional effort to reduce generational poverty and increase opportunity and assets for low-income families, thereby expanding community prosperity. As a result of a year-long investigation, 13 policies were identified that shift the focus to longer-term, more upstream solutions. There is strong community input in shaping these policies, but now we need community input to implement these policies. We are creating the Prosperity Roadshow to both educate the community and gather feedback on what are their priorities and ideas for implementation in a fun and interactive way. We need your creativity and brain power to help us design the Roadshow to be both effective and engaging for the public.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: N/A

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Laser Cut Boxes

Presented By:
Dylan Molina

Craft your own personalized wooden box! Discover laser cutting techniques to engrave and assemble custom boxes.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: Laptop with Adobe Illustrator. Consider coming with a simple, solid color design in mind to personalize your box!

Attendance Cap: TBD

CATalyst Studios
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

LinkedIn Workshop

Presented By:
Brianna Fulp

Attend this session to gain an introduction to creating a LinkedIn profile and also learn how to utilize the site to explore your options and enhance your network.
Skill Level: Beginner
Materials Required: Laptops or tablets with access to the internet/a LinkedIn profile are encouraged.
Attendance Cap: N/A
ILC 125
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Resume Rx

Presented By:
Liz Marsalla

Join us for our Resume Rx Drop-In Clinic, where expert Career & Engagement Professionals will be on hand to provide personalized feedback and guidance on your resume. Whether you're just starting to build your professional profile or looking to fine-tune your existing document, stop by for a quick dose of career confidence! No appointments necessary!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A current resume, if you have one!

Attendance Cap: N/A

ILC 135
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Co-Designing Resources for Students

Presented By:
Jasmine Linabary

Join us for a workshop where you can enhance your design thinking and radical imagination skills by helping to imagine better ways to connect fellow students with the resources they need to thrive (e.g., food, housing, clothing, finances).

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: N/A

10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Survival in our 21st Century High Tech Society

Presented By:
Sharon Mercado

This event will enrich your professional development and skills relating to the 21st century technology endeavors and assist you to collaborate and compete in Local to Global Technology Rich Hackathons.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A

Attendance Cap: N/A

ILC 119
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Design Your Own Tumbler

Presented By:
Alyssa Woods

Get creative with your free tumbler earned on Saturday! Design your artwork, convert to vector, and laser-cut for a personalized masterpiece. No experience needed!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: N/A, tumblers will be given out to participants remaining at EOD Saturday

Attendance Cap: N/A

CATalyst Data Studio
11:00 PMLUNCH - BagginsGrab some Baggins and consider exploring our drop-in activities hosted around CATalyst! Find a list of all available activities here. 
12:00 PMWORKSHOPS | Round 2  
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM3D Printing

This small group workshop covers the basics of 3D printing on our Ultimaker machines. Consider bringing your file from our 3D scanning station!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A laptop with Cura installed

Attendance Cap: 10

CATalyst Studios
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Intro to Working w/ Data (Regular Expressions)

Presented By:
Heather Froelich

Regular Expressions are a commonly used method for pattern-matching with textual data, especially for batch-processing and finding specific objects. In this workshop, we will go over the building blocks and learn how to assemble regular expressions. This activity is adapted from the Library Carpentry's "Introduction to Working with Data (Regular Expressions)".

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A pen & paper

Attendance Cap: 20

ILC 119
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

AI in the Real World: Programming Autonomous Robots

Presented By:
Dan Stormont

Use the micro:bit single-board computer to program a robot to perform tasks without human input. You'll take on the challenge of following a line, solving a maze, avoiding obstacles, and choreographing a robotic dance.
Skill Level: Beginner
Materials Required: A laptop with a modern browser
Attendance Cap: 20
ILC 125
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Clothing Alterations

Presented By:
Vanessa Campbell

Clothes not fitting right? Join the hackathon mending workshop! Learn to hem pants or shirts, fix small holes, and take in pants!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: Clothing items of your choice!

Attendance Cap: 15

CATalyst Studios
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Creative Coding Virtual Museum

Presented By:
Devin Bayly

Come learn to make fun interactive visual art while learning to write code! We will also look at how to use Chat GPT prompts to ease our learning, and unleash our creativity.
Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A personal laptop
Attendance Cap: 24
CATalyst Data Studio
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Presented By:
Adriana Picoral

Do you want to get hands-on experience in Natural Language Processing? In this datathon deep dive, we will be working with tweets about disasters. During this session, we will build a machine learning model to predict which Tweets are about real disasters and which are not.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: A personal laptop (or a friend with a laptop, since you will be able to work in groups)

Attendance Cap: 50

12:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Presented By:
Karen Zimmerman

Come and experiment with hand printing with letterpress wood type! You will create your own print using wood type.  All supplies will be provided.

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: All materials are provided.

Attendance Cap: 12

CATalyst Studios
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Mural Making

Presented By:
Niko Sanchez

See our Hackathon mural to completion! Drop-in painting opportunities will be available throughout the weekend, but consider stopping by to help us wrap up the process and make your mark!

Skill Level: Beginner

Materials Required: All materials are provided.

Attendance Cap: N/A

CATalyst Patio
3:00 PM - 4:00 PMGroup PresentationsAfter your 3-hour afternoon sessions, we invite everyone to come together to present your accomplishments, celebrate the end of the Hackathon, and collect your final prizes!ILC 141

Made it to the end of Sunday? Make sure you pick up your Hackathon battery pack at the Information Table before you head out!